What’s your Ritual?


We are in a time of transformation, with a greater collective awareness of our responsibility to the planet and to one another. How do we honour those who came before us, and consider the lives of those who will come after when responding to today’s most pressing concerns?

It is from the lens of future generations that we are proposing a call to reframe. Let’s call this reframing “ritual”.

Some of us have rituals around how we work, eat, greet, and convene. Rituals may be spiritual in nature. They can be solitary experiences or involve a community. Some are generations old, while others can be born today. Rituals are rooted in place.

With this in mind, we’d like to know: .

What is urgent for you about the place you are in that could be addressed by a ritual?

Submit your word using the form above::

  • A word to describe a ritual that’s important to you

  • #FOLDritual